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Welcome to the Decoro Resource website. We’re excited to announce the launch of this wonderful tool. Please explore all that we have to offer.

So,”why Decoro?” You might ask. To that we say; “let’s look at the meaning of the word Decoro”.

Decoro in music is basic poise and orderliness, getting the right notes with application of a good technique, being well prepared. It is correct pronunciation and good grammar. It is an understanding of the parts and the whole. It is knowledge of methods of expression. It is decorum, appropriateness. It is unity with the character of the material.

It is not the end in itself, but it is a necessary beginning.
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The Latin Word Decoro has many meanings, mainly: beautify, embellish, adorn.

Decoro resource resembles this: Orderliness, good application and technique due to years of experience. It is the understanding of part and the whole. That’s why you need to make use of us. We are the start of a new road for your business. We assist in and develop systems to improve the operation of your business. We understand part of your business because we see the total picture.

Another meaning of the word is honour, decency; respectability; dignity. All our work is done on the basis of integrity and respectability.
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Decoro Resource: Risk, Finance, Management

“Musical performances, speeches, acting, conversation, waiting tables, painting, cooking, or any other type of creative project (even a person's entire way of being) can be assessed by the presence or absence of decoro.”


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